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Visual Detection Kit for monitoring ethanol in petrol

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Petrol is the primary fuel for automobiles. However, it is getting replaced with ‘ethanol blended petrol’ in a phased manner. The blending with alcohol aims to reduce environmental pollution, lower the dependency on petrol and to make the fuel cheaper. Pure hydrous or anhydrous ethanol cannot be used as fuel due to technological and safety reasons. Presently, Government of India through its Ethanol Blending Programme envisages achieving 10% ethanol blending of petrol by 2022 and 20% by 2030. The determination of the content of ethanol in petrol is required for compliance with fuel specifications and regulatory purposes or to detect any adulteration. BARC has developed a visual colorimetric method to determine up to 20% ethanol in petrol. The method is simple, rapid and precise. Concentration (ethanol) dependent colour development forms the basis of this method. The two chemicals used are cheap, easily available and benign. The method does not require any instrument or formal chemical education and can be practiced by even by common public
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 Petrol is getting replaced with ‘ethanol blended petrol’ as a fuel for automobiles. The blending with alcohol aims to reduce environmental pollution, lower the dependency on petrol and to make the fuel cheaper. Pure hydrous or anhydrous ethanol cannot be used as fuel due to technological and safety reasons. Presently, Government of India through its Ethanol Blending Programme envisages achieving 10% ethanol blending of petrol by 2022 and 20% by 2030. The determination of the content of ethanol in petrol is required for compliance with fuel specifications and regulatory purposes or to detect any adulteration. BARC has developed a visual colorimetric method to determine up to 10% ethanol in petrol. The method is simple, rapid and precise. Concentration (ethanol) dependent colour development forms the basis of this method. The two chemicals used are cheap, easily available and benign. The method does not require any instrument or formal chemical education and can be practiced by even by common public.  


    Simple two-step process
    Distinct colour formation for 0-10% and 0-20% ethanol (RSD 12.5 %)
    Cost effective and onsite detection within < 5 minutes
    Accurate and precise analysis
    Well suited for field applications/ general public
    Good accuracy for the intended purpose.

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Petrol is getting replaced with ‘ethanol blended petrol’ as a fuel for automobiles. The blending with alcohol aims to reduce environmental pollution, lower the dependency on petrol and to make the fuel cheaper. Pure hydrous or anhydrous ethanol cannot be used as fuel due to technological and safety reasons. Presently, Government of India through its Ethanol Blending Programme envisages achieving 10% ethanol blending of petrol by 2022 and 20% by 2030. The determination of the content of ethanol in petrol is required for compliance with fuel specifications and regulatory purposes or to detect any adulteration. BARC has developed a visual colorimetric method to determine up to 10% ethanol in petrol. The method is simple, rapid and precise. Concentration (ethanol) dependent colour development forms the basis of this method. The two chemicals used are cheap, easily available and benign. The method does not require any instrument or formal chemical education and can be practiced by even by common public.   


    Simple two-step process
    Distinct colour formation for 0-10% and 0-20% ethanol (RSD 12.5 %)
    Cost effective and onsite detection within < 5 minutes
    Accurate and precise analysis
    Well suited for field applications/ general public

The Detection kit consists of
a)    Reagents                                              :  2 bottles (100 mL)
b)    Graduated 15 mL polypropylene test-tube       : 5 Nos.
c)    Color Chart                                               : 1 No.

a. Infrastructure Requirements
A laboratory room (3m X 3m) with the following equipment:
Electronic weighing balance (1 mg precision), Standard Measuring Flask (SMF) -100 mL (2), Beaker 250 mL (2).

b. Statutory Requirements
Statutory clearances for safe handling of various acids, chemicals and a small-scale industrial registration is required.

c. Raw materials
All the raw materials required to utilize the technology for making the alcohol detection kits are freely available in the Indian market.

d. Manpower requirements
One technician for preparing the reagents, one chemist for carrying out the reagent quality assessment by checking with standards.

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General License Fee : ₹ 135,000.00 (One Lakh Thirty Five Thousand)

General Royalty : 0%